
Why Raw Dog Food?

We’re not saying that raw dog food is like some miracle cure for dogs, though some people have had significant results. I believe it is better to give them high quality fresh food that they were designed to eat than some unknown combination of carbohydrates and by-products from the meat processing plant. And let’s be clear - dogs ate raw for millions of years, the last 100 years of canine processed food is nothing more than a blip in the grand panorama of evolutionary time.

Benefits include

More energy and stamina

More energy and stamina

Improved digestion

Improved digestion

Better mobility for older dogs

Better mobility for older dogs

Reduction of allergy symptoms

Reduction of allergy symptoms

Shinier, healthy skin and coat

Shinier, healthy skin and coat

Less stinky poops

Less stinky poops

But I want more proof!


Here is a great video explaining why you should switch your dog to a raw dog food diet! 

Shelf Life?

1. Comes frozen.

2. Thaw naturally.

3. After opening refrigerate.

4. Lasts 2-3 days.

Why No Supplements Added?

Supplements aren’t our thing. If you and your vet decide that you should be adding a little something to your pooch’s bowl, and you’re convinced you’re acting on good medical advice, go ahead. But according to famed medical journal The Lancet,

“A panel convened by the US National Institutes of Health concluded last week that there is insufficient evidence to either support or advise against the use of multivitamin and mineral supplements in the general population to prevent chronic diseases.” (The Lancet, May 27, 2006)

Of course this study referred to human consumption but from a mitochondrial DNA perspective we are 99.99% similar to dogs...

We believe that giving each owner complete control over supplement intake is extremely important. By adding them yourself, you know they won’t over-do it on vitamins.

How Should I Adapt My Animal to Raw?

Slowly, replacing his/her previous dog food over a period of 10 days to two weeks.

My Dog Is Turning His Nose Up At The New Food?

The decision to switch your dog to a raw diet is an exciting one.

Let’s be honest, you’re pretty pumped.

You’re enthusiastic and empowered because you know the truth about commercial dog food. You’ve done the research. You know the benefits. You know what to expect and you’re prepared.

You’re excited to be feeding a true ancestral diet to your furry friend because he’s going to be healthier and happier. He’s going to be the epitome of health, what any dog should be – he’s going to be a primal pooch!

Next thing you know, you’re standing there, scratching your head saying , “WTF” because your dog isn’t even remotely interested in the awesome raw meal in front of him. He takes a few sniffs, gives you a weird look and walks away.

Now what?

Don’t be discouraged, this happens to many new raw feeders! The problem is that your dog just doesn’t know what to do with it. He’s eaten commercial, processed pet food his whole life and his new raw meal looks and smells quite different.

Did you know kibble is sprayed with fat and other substances to make it more appealing for your dog? Raw food has little odor compared to kibble. Initially, your dog may not realize this is food.

How do you deal with this?

There are basically two ways: patience and the use of a few disguises.

The old adage, “picky eaters aren’t born, they’re created” applies in this situation. Some dogs will wolf down anything while others are more picky. Most dogs become picky eaters out of habit, mostly because their owners allow them to.

Patience and a Little Bit of Tough Love…

It’s important that you be extremely patient when making the switch. Once you’ve put the raw meal in front of your dog, walk away. Let him figure it out. Give him about 15 minutes or so. If he hasn’t eaten it yet, simply (without emotion) pick it up and put it away.

Provide it again at the next meal. If your dog still refuses, continue this process until he or she caves in and decides to eat it.

Don’t worry, you’re dog will not die. No dog will intentionally starve itself. When they get hungry enough, they’ll eat it. I think the longest I’ve heard of a dog refusing to eat is around ten days. Now this is the extreme and is probably not likely for most dogs. I’d guess the average to be anywhere from 1-3 days.

Now, whatever you do, don’t give in and don’t provide other food in the meantime! No training treats, table scraps, rawhide, or other dogs chews or treats. If you provide something else, it will take longer for your dog to cave in.

Many people try to feed raw for a day or two, then give up because they feel bad depriving their dogs. You’re not depriving your dog. You’re providing food to your furry friend, it’s he who is choosing NOT to eat it.

What you’re doing here is reinstating your position in the pack. You’re the alpha and you tell your dog when and what to eat. Your dog doesn’t get to decide what he or she eats – if he does, then he wins and you lose. He also doesn’t get to decide when it’s time to eat by barking, whining, or pestering you.

This tough love will teach your dog to follow the rules of the house. If you can win this battle and be respected as the leader of the house during feeding times, your dog will continue to show you respect in other areas.

Another crucial tip to remember is NOT to make a fuss if you’re dog doesn’t eat. Don’t coax him into eating. Don’t throw fearful or nervous energy out there. Don’t baby talk him and provide love and affection. If you do so, you’re just reinforcing his uncertainty about the new food and letting him know it’s okay to refuse his meals. On the other hand, you’re not punishing him either. You’re just staying calm, neutral, and indifferent.

All you can do is be strong and trust that your dog will not starve himself.

The only exceptions to the tough love rule:

Specific dogs or breeds that can develop or already have low blood sugar or other serious pre existing health conditions. And puppies. These dogs shouldn’t go without food for more than 24 hours. I would consult with your holistic veterinarian to see how long you can safely withhold food.

A Few Raw Food Disguises, Tips & Tricks

Tough love is what is recommended.

However, if you’re having trouble with this or want to try some other options, there are a few simple things you can do to food to entice your dog to eat.

  • Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on top
  • Add low sodium chicken or beef broth
  • Lightly sear the meat (only if it’s boneless – do NOT do any cooking, no matter how light, to meat with bone in it). Once your dog eats the meat you can try giving it to him raw next time or wean him onto the raw meat by searing it less and less each time. Cooking you’r dog’s food is not ideal but if you do it for a day or two until he accepts raw, it won’t cause any harm.

Most people successfully feed chicken at first – anywhere from two to four weeks before trying a different protein. It seems to be the meat of choice for dogs new to raw because it’s easily digestible and doesn’t cause stomach upset.

If you’re dog eats one day then doesn’t eat again, it could mean you’re changing up the meals too quickly. Let him get used to a particular protein for at least two weeks before trying a new one.

How Much Raw Should I Feed My Dog?

Depending on your dog's age and activity the general suggestion for a daily serving of raw dog food is 2%-3% of their ideal adult body weight.

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